• Blog Post,  Mental Health,  Motherhood

    Progress Needed for Postpartum: Part II

    In Part I of Progress Needed for Postpartum, I talked about what’s missing in postpartum care for new parents and how it can impact mental health ranging from the baby blues to postpartum depression, anxiety, and postpartum psychosis. So now we know what those diagnosis can mean and how important they are to treat, now lets discuss the treatment and self care. Self Care Self care means something different to everyone. Different people need different things or rituals to recharge. But, do you think manicures, bubble baths, and paper face masks do much when actually caring for ones self? I don’t.  It is hard to be the caregiver of the…

  • Blog Post,  Registered Nurse

    Summer in Labor & Delivery: New Babies and New Doctors

    Something much lighter after a super heavy two part blog post about childhood trauma. I recently thought, I have been struggling to find my ‘why’ for continuing to be a labor & delivery nurse… I am hoping that writing about it and posting about it will give me a little excitement and inspiration. Share with any of your fellow nurses or residents; that may give me a nice hit of dopamine. In Light of Current Events… So, today (as writing this) is the day after the SCOTUS decided to overturn Roe V Wade. I started drafting this post a while ago, and I need to stick to my topic. I need…

  • Blog Post,  Motherhood

    One and Only

    “So when are you going to have another one?” – says pretty much everyone I meet when they find out I have one child My husband and I have one beautiful daughter, Kylie. We worked really hard to get her into this world and thankfully, she is worth it. She really is such a sweet girl. Compassionate, caring, sensitive, funny, & beautiful…but do not get me wrong, she drives me to drink. Come to think of it, motherhood is when my regular (ok, almost daily), alcohol intake began. Anyway, back to the point. Thank goodness she is mostly wonderful, because all I went through to get her into this world,…