• Blog Post,  Mental Health

    Netflix Gives a Glimpse into Life with Mental Illness

    If you have checked out any of my blog posts, or you know, even my look at the websites title and URL, you know I like to revolve my posts around three topics: mental health, motherhood, and being a registered nurse (especially L&D). Many times, inspiration comes from current events. Whether that be elementary school shootings, supreme court rulings that control a woman’s body, or maybe a recent mental breakdown of my own. Chill everyday shit right? Instead, Netflix inspired todays post. It’s not a far reach actually. If you know me at all, you know I LOVE reality TV (especially Bravo) and Netflix. Sorry, I spend my free time…

  • Blog Post,  Mental Health,  Motherhood

    Progress Needed for Postpartum: Part III

    This is the third and final part of the series calling for progress for postpartum care. So to recap, we’ve learned about postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, and the lack of mental health care availability. Also, tons about self care. Self care doesn’t look the same for everyone. For some it looks like having the time to go get a haircut by themselves, and for some it’s making time for therapy. Also, we all agree that only one standard postpartum doctors visit 6 weeks after birth is pathetic right? So let’s* wrap this up. What can we do to improve? *and by lets, I am referring to the 3 people that…

  • Blog Post,  Mental Health,  Motherhood

    Progress Needed for Postpartum: Part II

    In Part I of Progress Needed for Postpartum, I talked about what’s missing in postpartum care for new parents and how it can impact mental health ranging from the baby blues to postpartum depression, anxiety, and postpartum psychosis. So now we know what those diagnosis can mean and how important they are to treat, now lets discuss the treatment and self care. Self Care Self care means something different to everyone. Different people need different things or rituals to recharge. But, do you think manicures, bubble baths, and paper face masks do much when actually caring for ones self? I don’t.  It is hard to be the caregiver of the…

  • Blog Post,  Mental Health,  Motherhood

    Progress Needed for Postpartum: Part I

    Birth is a factory that is never going out of business. Being a labor and delivery nurse is a recession and pandemic proof job. A fact that I confirmed over the last two and a half years. Being that having a baby is a such a stable and recurring system, there are many websites, bloggers, Instagram pages, and educational classes dedicated to pregnancy and birth. It can be an exciting but also a stressful and vulnerable time in a growing family’s life, which leads to a desire for information. But what about after? Sure, there is plenty of information. Plenty about pregnancy and about parenting and children. But I mean…