• Blog Post,  Registered Nurse

    Labor & Delivery Nursing: The Good, The Bad, & The Truth

    When I was getting ready to graduate nursing school, I would hear all the time how hard it was to get into labor & delivery and NICU. And if you wanted dayshift… you better be willing to wait for someone to retire, move, or die. Until recently, turnover in L&D was historically low nationwide. Especially when compared to other nursing units in the hospital. Well, in this post Covid (wait, are we really POST Covid?) era in healthcare, that is not the case. Our unit has been facing a major staffing crisis. Turnover higher than ever recorded, unit full of travel nurses, not enough charge nurses, and not enough preceptors.…

  • Blog Post,  Mental Health

    I’ve Made it Through the First Trimester

    I posted my first blog post for Mental Mommy Nurse just a tad over 12 weeks ago. So in my world, I’ve made it past the first trimester! That is usually a reason to take a big deep breath and sigh of relief…but it’s a cautious relief. Moms, amiright?  Reflection I have gotten some wonderful feedback from my site, I’ve had people tell me they are proud of me and think one day I am going to help a lot of people. That said, I haven’t had much reach to help as many as I hoped. But I also know that I am no #influencer and that kind of reach…

  • Blog Post,  Registered Nurse

    Are We Still Healthcare Heroes?

    Healthcare Hero… You know what time I look back on with fondness? May 2020. That was when nurses and hospital workers were “healthcare heroes”. Friends, family, & old college roommates checked in on me, while they were stuck at home, and I was going to work in a busy hospital, level III trauma center. Local restaurants and coffee shops were bringing in lunches, drinks, and treats for hospital workers to show appreciations. Oh, and I got a free pair of Crocs. Most people got plain black, some got tacky American flag print, but I received the cheetah print… ahhh good times.  The months went on and the covid-19 pandemic continued,…