• Blog Post,  Mental Health

    Lazy, Crazy, & Spacey? Or is it adult ADHD?

    If you’re like me, when you think of ADHD, you think of a rambunctious boy in your middle school class. The one that was the class clown and always talking and getting in trouble. Or you think of the people that are constantly getting distracted when you’re talking to them and they say “SQUIRREL!”. The awareness of adults, especially adult women, being newly diagnosed with ADHD has grown since the start of the pandemic. Most likely, many women lost their abilities to cope and mask their symptoms. The overwhelm, stress, being stuck inside messy homes, and being pulled out of usual routines, brought out symptoms or made them more severe…

  • Blog Post,  Mental Health

    My latest major mental breakdown

    My latest major mental breakdown Most stories start from the beginning. However, I would like to share with you my latest anxiety attack that turned into a downward spiral that brought me lower than I had been in a while. Let you know just who you’re dealing with right? I also would like to share this story now, because it is fresh in my mind and I tend to forget a lot of things dealing with emotions especially. Really, I forget a lot about myself in general. I have sick long term memory in some situations, like patients at work. My co-workers are always impressed; if something can jog my…