• Blog Post,  Motherhood,  Registered Nurse

    Cesarean Section Essential Information (c-section)

    When women become pregnant, do they ever assume they will end up delivering via cesarean section (c-section) ? Probably not. I would bet the average parent-to-be’s mindset defaults to a stable vaginal delivery, with the slight knowledge of a possible c-section in the way back of their mind. This is one reason I feel it is essential to spread more knowledge about c-sections. Prevalence, indications, preparation, and recovery tips. So, keep reading: educate yourself! Prevalence The rate of cesarean section has risen globally, with the most recent statistic being 21.1% of all births world-wide in 2021. That statistic actually only accounts for the primary c-section rate, meaning first time c-section.…

  • Blog Post,  Registered Nurse

    Labor & Delivery Nursing: The Good, The Bad, & The Truth

    When I was getting ready to graduate nursing school, I would hear all the time how hard it was to get into labor & delivery and NICU. And if you wanted dayshift… you better be willing to wait for someone to retire, move, or die. Until recently, turnover in L&D was historically low nationwide. Especially when compared to other nursing units in the hospital. Well, in this post Covid (wait, are we really POST Covid?) era in healthcare, that is not the case. Our unit has been facing a major staffing crisis. Turnover higher than ever recorded, unit full of travel nurses, not enough charge nurses, and not enough preceptors.…

  • Blog Post,  Registered Nurse

    Summer in Labor & Delivery: New Babies and New Doctors

    Something much lighter after a super heavy two part blog post about childhood trauma. I recently thought, I have been struggling to find my ‘why’ for continuing to be a labor & delivery nurse… I am hoping that writing about it and posting about it will give me a little excitement and inspiration. Share with any of your fellow nurses or residents; that may give me a nice hit of dopamine. In Light of Current Events… So, today (as writing this) is the day after the SCOTUS decided to overturn Roe V Wade. I started drafting this post a while ago, and I need to stick to my topic. I need…

  • Blog Post,  Registered Nurse

    Celebrate Nurses Week

    I’ve written about a lot of serious and emotional topics and experiences for me. I think it’s time to get a little lighter for a bit. This will actually be more difficult for me; I am a pessimist by nature. I am a Capricorn. Also, my therapist says because I am an empath, it’s harder for me to not go deep. I don’t do well with small talk.  So Let’s Celebrate Nurses Week May 6th thru May 12th Nurses Week always ends on May 12th to honor Florence Nightingale’s birthday. Each year, there are a few themes for the celebration. 2020 was called “the year of the nurse”, because it…