• Blog Post,  Mental Health

    Coping Mechanisms

    For the Birthday Blues and Other Triggering Days Yesterday was my birthday. Are you one of those people that celebrates your birthday all month? You have multiple lunches and dinners with your friends, maybe you justify purchases for yourself because “its still my birthday”. I am nothing like that. I have a love hate relatinship with my birthday. Well love is a strong word… I have a wanting to love but hate relationship I think. Every year I get sad, mad, moody, throw myself a pity party instead of a birthday party to “celebrate” the day I was born and I have coined this term: the birthday blues. I have…

  • Blog Post,  Mental Health

    Inside the ACE’s – Part II

    So where did we leave off? Well, first, let me refresh your memory of what I introduced in my last post. Hopefully I didn’t depress your whole mood and life. The ACE (adverse childhood experience) score is a guideline, that will hopefully be a standard screening by healthcare and social work providers, to assess risk of physical and mental health consequences that can be a result of chronic exposure to toxic stress. Trauma at any age obviously has negative effects. But trauma in childhood effects a developing brain and nervous system. Our good fortune, or rotten luck, is “written into our biology,”—wired into synapses and coiled within strands of DNA—where…

  • Blog Post,  Mental Health

    Inside the ACE’s: Part I

    Well, I got real deep with this one. I’m going to have to split it into two parts or you all will be bored out of your mind and stop reading or go crying in the corner. I spent a lot of time writing this one, writing like I was running out of time on childhood trauma (yep stole that from Hamilton), and it also has a lot more education points than some of my last posts, so if anything I’ve written has touched your heart and mind, please ask and I can share my resources with you! Part I Do you think someone could go through so much trauma,…