• Blog Post,  Mental Health

    Netflix Gives a Glimpse into Life with Mental Illness

    If you have checked out any of my blog posts, or you know, even my look at the websites title and URL, you know I like to revolve my posts around three topics: mental health, motherhood, and being a registered nurse (especially L&D). Many times, inspiration comes from current events. Whether that be elementary school shootings, supreme court rulings that control a woman’s body, or maybe a recent mental breakdown of my own. Chill everyday shit right? Instead, Netflix inspired todays post. It’s not a far reach actually. If you know me at all, you know I LOVE reality TV (especially Bravo) and Netflix. Sorry, I spend my free time…

  • Blog Post,  Mental Health

    My latest major mental breakdown

    My latest major mental breakdown Most stories start from the beginning. However, I would like to share with you my latest anxiety attack that turned into a downward spiral that brought me lower than I had been in a while. Let you know just who you’re dealing with right? I also would like to share this story now, because it is fresh in my mind and I tend to forget a lot of things dealing with emotions especially. Really, I forget a lot about myself in general. I have sick long term memory in some situations, like patients at work. My co-workers are always impressed; if something can jog my…