Blog Post

  • Blog Post,  Mental Health

    Inside the ACE’s – Part II

    So where did we leave off? Well, first, let me refresh your memory of what I introduced in my last post. Hopefully I didn’t depress your whole mood and life. The ACE (adverse childhood experience) score is a guideline, that will hopefully be a standard screening by healthcare and social work providers, to assess risk of physical and mental health consequences that can be a result of chronic exposure to toxic stress. Trauma at any age obviously has negative effects. But trauma in childhood effects a developing brain and nervous system. Our good fortune, or rotten luck, is “written into our biology,”—wired into synapses and coiled within strands of DNA—where…

  • Blog Post,  Mental Health

    Inside the ACE’s: Part I

    Well, I got real deep with this one. I’m going to have to split it into two parts or you all will be bored out of your mind and stop reading or go crying in the corner. I spent a lot of time writing this one, writing like I was running out of time on childhood trauma (yep stole that from Hamilton), and it also has a lot more education points than some of my last posts, so if anything I’ve written has touched your heart and mind, please ask and I can share my resources with you! Part I Do you think someone could go through so much trauma,…

  • Blog Post,  Motherhood

    Urgent Post Needed: A Mother’s Fear in 2022

    Update: March 2023 I titled this original blog post a mothers fear 2022. I wrote it after the mass shooting at a Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Here we are, 3 months into 2023 and where are we? Life is slightly returning to normal regards to the Covid-19 pandemic: that’s great. That said, our country remains “normal” in regards to our priorities, where our compassion lies, our laws, who we choose to protect, and why isn’t it our children? What Do We Do? But what do we do? What can I do? I really do not know. Suggestions welcome. I try to lead by example, I try to vote…

  • Blog Post,  Registered Nurse

    Celebrate Nurses Week

    I’ve written about a lot of serious and emotional topics and experiences for me. I think it’s time to get a little lighter for a bit. This will actually be more difficult for me; I am a pessimist by nature. I am a Capricorn. Also, my therapist says because I am an empath, it’s harder for me to not go deep. I don’t do well with small talk.  So Let’s Celebrate Nurses Week May 6th thru May 12th Nurses Week always ends on May 12th to honor Florence Nightingale’s birthday. Each year, there are a few themes for the celebration. 2020 was called “the year of the nurse”, because it…

  • Blog Post,  Motherhood

    One and Only

    “So when are you going to have another one?” – says pretty much everyone I meet when they find out I have one child My husband and I have one beautiful daughter, Kylie. We worked really hard to get her into this world and thankfully, she is worth it. She really is such a sweet girl. Compassionate, caring, sensitive, funny, & beautiful…but do not get me wrong, she drives me to drink. Come to think of it, motherhood is when my regular (ok, almost daily), alcohol intake began. Anyway, back to the point. Thank goodness she is mostly wonderful, because all I went through to get her into this world,…

  • Blog Post,  Registered Nurse

    Whats Next For Nursing?

    Just when I thought the nursing profession was at an all time low on morale levels, then comes the RaDonda Vaught verdict.  A Nurse Can go to Prison for an Accidental Error? If you are unfamiliar with this case, RaDonda Vaught is a registered nurse who in 2017, made a fatal med error. She gave the wrong medication to a 75 year old patient who was in the hospital, Vanderbilt Medical Center, originally admitted for a brain bleed. Her condition was improving. She went for an MRI and was ordered to get a sedative, Versed, but RaDonda pulled a paralyzing drug, Vecuronium, and administered the wrong medication.  If you are…

  • Blog Post,  Registered Nurse

    Are We Still Healthcare Heroes?

    Healthcare Hero… You know what time I look back on with fondness? May 2020. That was when nurses and hospital workers were “healthcare heroes”. Friends, family, & old college roommates checked in on me, while they were stuck at home, and I was going to work in a busy hospital, level III trauma center. Local restaurants and coffee shops were bringing in lunches, drinks, and treats for hospital workers to show appreciations. Oh, and I got a free pair of Crocs. Most people got plain black, some got tacky American flag print, but I received the cheetah print… ahhh good times.  The months went on and the covid-19 pandemic continued,…

  • Blog Post,  Mental Health

    Lazy, Crazy, & Spacey? Or is it adult ADHD?

    If you’re like me, when you think of ADHD, you think of a rambunctious boy in your middle school class. The one that was the class clown and always talking and getting in trouble. Or you think of the people that are constantly getting distracted when you’re talking to them and they say “SQUIRREL!”. The awareness of adults, especially adult women, being newly diagnosed with ADHD has grown since the start of the pandemic. Most likely, many women lost their abilities to cope and mask their symptoms. The overwhelm, stress, being stuck inside messy homes, and being pulled out of usual routines, brought out symptoms or made them more severe…

  • Blog Post,  Mental Health

    My latest major mental breakdown

    My latest major mental breakdown Most stories start from the beginning. However, I would like to share with you my latest anxiety attack that turned into a downward spiral that brought me lower than I had been in a while. Let you know just who you’re dealing with right? I also would like to share this story now, because it is fresh in my mind and I tend to forget a lot of things dealing with emotions especially. Really, I forget a lot about myself in general. I have sick long term memory in some situations, like patients at work. My co-workers are always impressed; if something can jog my…